This week’s reading was truly one I
enjoyed. I first have to say that after class on Tuesday and hearing about the fact
about prison beds being accounted for based on the reading levels or scores of
children really bothered me. I could not get over it and feel awful that young
children are having their futures pinpointed in a direction without a fair
I could write on and on about
how awful I feel about that but never the less, this week’s reading was one
that interested me a lot. I am choosing to go with the argumentative response
for “Teaching Multilingual Children”. Everything in this article by Virginia Collier, is explained
in such detail and I was so interested in how every point all fit together like
a puzzle. The first paragraph, Collier
asks, “ Don’t we as teachers wish that somehow we could capture this
romanticized vision of what learning is about?” (222) And then asks, “ How do we prepare students to face this
complicated world we have created and yet allow them to retain their love of
learning?” She argues that teachers in
the classroom face enough challenges today but states that things become more
complicated in the multilingual classrooms.
Not once does she state that there are any bad sides or troubles to
having the classroom, but rather argues points that enforce why these
multilingual classrooms are so important and how having the students within
these classrooms learn English properly can be important for their whole
learning journey. “ Teachers must be creative and flexible, serve as a catalyst
for discovery as students learn to operate efficiently in their multiple
worlds, be able to mediate and resolve intercultural conflicts, keep students
on task and serve as a support base.” YES! This point is so key in why making
sure all students are on board with what’s being taught. These students who are
learning English as a second language are not going to wake up one morning and
know every word of the English language; not to mention that we have so many
social cues and “slang” terms that new words are created daily.
The guidelines to “learning how to
teach English, as a second-language” were very interesting. Many of the guidelines were things I never
thought of. Collier’s argument stating, “there are differences between first
language and second language acquisition in children.” Her points that children
will self-correct over time as they progress and how their families play a big
role in learning was so interesting. Collier includes the “caregiver speech”
and six features that go along with the speech.
This whole article is so
fascinating to me as to how teachers are a huge role in teaching English as a
second-language. On page 228 Collier
describes the bilingual teacher. This teacher first of all learns to become a
teacher and then takes on the differences between language and culture
(228). The bilingual methods are another
big argument point in this article. Code-switching and literacy development in
English before home language are two of the methods. The literacy development
is argued to be worst option. Collier states that sadly this option if offered
to offer as well. This involves dismissing the home language when working on
literacy development.

Hey, I think this post is spot on! I love that you mentioned how the author did not pick sides when talking about dealing with a multicultural classroom, but just that it was important all around. I was relieved to see that she was being neutral and unpersuasive. I was also affected by the discussion on Tuesday, and agree with you that we need to do what we can as teachers to help any type of student as much as we can! Nice work!
ReplyDeleteHey girl hey. Even though I didn't write about this article I agree with everything you talked about! Your posts are always so well done with all your pictures and how well you grasp the text! You're just a little blogging genius now! Love ya :*